Invitation to Camp Counselor Training for English Teachers in Serbia

Dates: 2 June, 9 June, 16 June 2024
Format: Online, synchronous, interactive
Fee: Free with a commitment to (1) organize an English day camp in the summer of 2024 and (2) share the experience with a wider audience of EFL educators
Registration link: Sign Up Here
Deadline for registration: 29 May 2024

We’re excited to announce an upcoming Camp Counselor Training designed especially for English teachers in Serbia! 🎉 This training focuses on organizing English day camps and promises to be product-oriented and highly interactive.

By participating in this training, you will:

  1. Organize an English Day Camp: Gain practical skills to create and run an English day camp in the summer of 2024.
  2. Enhance Your Teaching: Develop new competencies for teaching English in an informal and engaging context.
  3. Build Leadership Skills: Boost your confidence as an educator and leader within your school community.

Your students will benefit immensely from this experience as they bring their language skills to life outside the classroom in a fun and exciting environment. Plus, your school will stand out by providing enriching activities during the holidays, which will enhance its reputation and attract new students.

This initiative is led by Alla McCaughey, an EFL educator and a passionate advocate for English camps, with the support of ELTA Serbia. She is launching this trial version of the Camp Counselor Training to see how well it works in Serbia. If successful, Alla plans to expand this project to spread English day camps throughout the country.

📅 Don’t miss out! Register by 29 May 2024 and be part of this exciting journey. Let’s make learning English an adventure for our students! 🌍📚🏕️