Fourth Plenary Speaker Announced

We are delighted to confirm our fourth plenary speaker!

Dragana Vasilijević-Valent, PhD, is an experienced language teacher and a teacher trainer. Her teaching experience includes language courses at the Faculty of Philology (University of Belgrade), Academy of applied studies, Aviation Academy, University of Innsbruck (Austria), and many private language schools. In 2021, Dragana obtained a PhD degree in CLIL methodology. Since 2019 she has been active as a teacher trainer (accredited webinars for teachers conducted by Klett Serbia and ARGE Tyrol (Austria). Through her online workshop for language specialists, “Monetise your language Skills”, Dragana has encouraged numerous teachers to improve their online presence and launch e-mail programs and video courses. Website:

5 Steps towards Your Personal Brand as a Language Teacher

Social media is not only about recipes, cat videos, and catchy dances! As a teacher, you are probably already using social media to connect with your colleagues and students or find inspiration for your classes, but have you ever thought about creating your personal brand? A personal brand helps you not only to stand out from the people with similar skills but also to attract your tribe. In your case, to captivate online students who will be delighted to work with you or join your e-mail program, workshop, video course, etc. During this session, we are going through 5 simple steps that will guide you through the world of personal branding.

Step 1: Where to start? Choosing your social media or a platform

Step 2: Who will read it or watch it? Defining your perfect target audience

Step 3: How to tell your story online? Wrapping up your expertise and personality

Step 4: Which topics to cover? Sharing value through your content

Step 5: What kind of product to launch? A short overview of the most popular digital products

We are excited to welcome Dragana to be a part of the 20th ELTA Serbia Conference and look forward to sharing his work with us!

Find out more about the Conference:

For further information, please get in touch with the ELTA Office at or if you wish to support the event.