Dear colleagues,
Welcome to our February issue! ELTA Newsletter team is proud to have prepared amazing articles for you!
Read on to find out how you can practice the Passive voice and the Present Continuous with your students in new inspiring ways! Our feature article is by our two editors who inform you of how critical thinking can be used to improve reading and speaking skills, while they tap into their own rich experience as critical readers, learners and teachers. The article is inspired by the same workshop they held as our representatives at 23rd IATEFL Hungary conference in Budapest, a report on which you can also find in this issue.
We are happy to announce our cooperation with BELTA Bulletin thanks to the correspondence between our colleague Vicky Loras and Maja Jerković, one of the editors.
Also, our editorial team would like to invite you to get involved in our ELTA Newsletter group on professional network LinkedIn and contribute to our discussions.
Don’t forget to check out our Article of the Day on Facebook or updates on our web page
We would be very pleased to receive your article contributions, any suggestions or inquiries related to the newsletter at
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Editorial team
The Job
By Roger House, Thessaloniki, Greece
Key words: school, job, expectations, motivation
“I get up at 8.30. I eat my breakfast. Then I go to the job.” When asked what he meant by „the job” he said, “School, of course”.
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My School
By Luka Perisic IVb, The High School of Mathematics
Key words: elementary, first class, school, teacher
My elementary school was one of the most decorated and honored schools in Belgrade, but when I think about it, none of those are actually reasons why I enjoyed
it so much.
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23rd IATEFL Hungary Conference, Budapest, Hungary
By Maja Jerković, Medical School, Zrenjanin
Key words: conference, workshop, presenters, live streaming, interview
It is my great pleasure to inform you that I have been an ELTA representative at the 23rd IATEFL Hungary Conference held in Budapest.
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Improving Reading and Speaking Skills through Critical Thinking
By Bojana Nikic Vujic, The School of Pharmacy and Physiotherapy, Belgrade, Serbia and Maja Jerkovic, Vocational Medical School, Zrenjanin, Serbia
Key words: Key words: intellectual standards, elements of reason, intellectual traits, reading strategy, speaking skills, Bloom’s taxonomy,application
Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~ Malcolm S. Forbes
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English Is Spoken Here with a Twist
Adapted by Svetlana Gavrilović, Užice Grammar School, Užice
Key words: activity, passive voice, combine.
This is a simple activity for practicing/revising the passive voice structure and can be used with students at any level.
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Why do Sports Commentators Use the Present Continuous Tense?
By Jelena Mihajlov, Studio for Foreign Languages Matilda, Belgrade
Key words: revision, vocabulary, flashcards; project, present continuous
Preparation: pictures of different sports; paper; glue; flashcards with sports plus one whammy flashcard (a whammy flashcard is a flashcard which on the back is the
same as the other cards but has a different picture from the rest of the flashcards you are using, e.g. a toy, a fruit)
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