Celebrating Women in ELT: The EVE Mentoring Programme

by Jelena Spasić

As Jelena Spasić from Oxford School in Leskovac begins writing this article, she realizes that it’s March 8th, International Women’s Day. She can’t help but wonder if it’s a mere coincidence or a cosmic alignment that she is writing this on a day dedicated to celebrating women.

EVE stands for Equal Voices in ELT and embodies a mission to promote gender parity and provide support for female speakers in the ELT realm. The EVE Mentoring Programme has become a beacon of support for female teachers, equipping them with the tools and confidence needed to thrive in the ELT community. From honing public speaking skills to tailored training sessions, EVE ensures that participants are well-prepared to make their voices heard.

But EVE is more than just an initiative; it celebrates inclusivity and diversity in education. It’s about amplifying women’s voices and providing them a platform to share their expertise and insights. 💪👩‍🏫

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