We are delighted to announce that our second plenary speaker for the 21st ELTA Conference will be Lindsay Clandfield, an award-winning writer, teacher, teacher trainer and international speaker in the field of English language teaching.
Plenary Talk
In our work as language teachers, how much should or can we ‘just teach language’? How do we address big issues and ‘wicked problems’ such as global warming? In this practical talk I will look at different approaches and ideas to teaching about the climate crisis that go beyond doom mongering. I’d also like to propose a framework for how we can engage with this topic on different levels.
The Art of Giving Good Instructions (workshop)
Perhaps more than most professions, English language teachers should be really really good at giving clear, comprehensible instructions. And most of the time this is true! In this practical workshop for language teachers of all languages we’ll review and reexamine best practices for giving instructions for activities, both spoken and written and online. But we’ll also look at how this is a useful and important skill for our learners and practical ways we can help them develop it.
Lindsay Clandfield is an award-winning writer, teacher, teacher trainer and international speaker in the field of English language teaching. He has written more than fifteen coursebooks and is the main author of the new young adult course Studio (Helbling Languages). His other courses include Global and Straightforward (Macmillan).
Lindsay has co-written various methodology books for teachers, including Dealing with Difficulties (Delta Publishing) and Interaction Online (Cambridge University Press), which he co-wrote with Jill Hadfield. Lindsay is also the creative force behind various web projects, including the sci-fi/adventure materials website Extreme Language Teaching. You can find out more about him at his website www.lindsayclandfield.com.

We are excited to welcome Lindsay to be a part of the 2023 ELTA Serbia Conference and look forward to sharing his work with us!
Find out more about the Conference: https://cutt.ly/2023-elta-serbia-conference
For further information, please get in touch with the ELTA Office at office@elta.org.rs or hello@elta.org.rs if you wish to support the event.