Jean Linehan
Mija Selič
Mija Selič, M.Sc is a practitioner and teacher trainer whose 26 years of practice teaching English to young learners has resulted in the development of the Project-Based Approach for young learners, which is the result of actual work with children. She holds a Master’s Degree in primary teaching, with a research focus on cooperative learning in the mother tongue and a foreign language. She also holds a degree in the English language and a certificate in convergent pedagogy. She ran workshops on early language learning for the National Educational Institute from 2007 until 2011. She is currently running her own school for early language learning where she teaches children, runs workshops for English teachers on the PBA approach and develops unique teaching aids for young learners that support the approach. She presents her work at different IATEFL conferences (Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia), her blog and writes articles.