Welcome to ELTA’s Teachers for Teachers Workshop: A Game of Maths
Even though maths is not among favourite subjects in school, we can all agree that it is essential for developing logical thinking and reasoning. So why don’t we embark on a little adventure of exploring some notions such as differentiating features, understanding a sequence, establishing order of steps in an activity in such a way that very young learners accept these, for them not so simple, concepts as a joyous game?
Since physical movement is something innate therefore natural in young learners, kinaesthetic approach applied in presentation of the content can guarantee children will be willing to participate. By creating adaptable DIY materials and designing fun games in which children themselves can become “counters”, it is possible to present, explain and enable children to understand effortlessly some complex ideas while absorbed in some meaningful, task-solving activities.
Presenter: Tijana Nešić Ristić
Date: June 3rd, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Venue: Playschool English Studio, Belgrade, 100 Lješka, ground floor, apt. no. 2
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