Dear colleagues,
In the year which marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, we celebrated the European Day of Languages and The World Book Day and dedicated both events to the best playwright of all times. Two pairs of students acted out the famous balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet both in Italian and English. The spirit of Verona was recreated by the help of our art teacher, Danijela Lilic, who helped us put up the scenography.
Two groups of students took part in the quiz about Shakespeare’s life, his family and best known plays. They were well prepared, so the questions were too easy for them, but we all had fun and the audience could learn something about the Bard as well. They were all given certificates of achievement which can be downloaded here. I send you the quiz which can be adjusted according to your students’ age and previous knowledge level.
We also made this poster with Shakespeare’s quotes. (see Photo Gallery)
In addition to this, I send you some photos of the Globe Theatre which I visited in 2011, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to see any of the plays, because I hadn’t booked the tickets in advance, so they had already been sold out.
Last year I found an amazing bookshop in Praha, named after the Bard, which is packed with thousands of new and used English books. I could spend hours there, so if you ever visit this fabulous city, do not miss a chance to look for this unique place.