ELTA YL SIG Day: Joy of Teaching Young Learners
Such an amazing day! Thank you all for coming and making this event a great moment of sharing!
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Such an amazing day! Thank you all for coming and making this event a great moment of sharing!
Kome je seminar namenjen? Namenjen je nastavnicima engleskog jezika u osnovnim, srednjim i višim školama. Koliko traje i koliko nosi …
Only 4 days left to register! The last day to register for the YL SIG Day is Friday, February 23. …
Daniel Xerri Daniel Xerri is a lecturer in TESOL at the University of Malta, the joint co-ordinator of the IATEFL …
Dear colleagues, ELTA is looking for an official representative to attend and give a presentation at the 27th BETA-IATEFL Annual …