ELTA Editorial Team: Call for Lesson Plans

Dear colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce our call for lesson plans for the month of July. As we embrace the summer break, we encourage you to share your innovative and engaging lesson plans to inspire your fellow teachers and enhance the learning experiences of students worldwide.

  1. Environmental Awareness 🌿
    • Create lessons that teach students about sustainability, recycling, and the importance of protecting our planet.
  2. Global Cultures and Traditions 🌍
    • Develop activities that introduce students to different cultures, languages, and traditions from around the world.
  3. Technology in Education 💻
    • Explore the role of technology in learning, including digital literacy, online safety, and the benefits of using educational apps and tools.
  4. Historical Figures and Events 🏛️
    • Plan lessons that delve into significant historical figures or events, encouraging students to learn about and reflect on history.
  5. Science and Innovation 🔬
    • Engage students with experiments, discussions, and projects related to scientific discoveries and innovations.
  6. Health and Well-being 🧘
    • Promote physical and mental health lessons.
  7. Art and Music Appreciation 🎨
    • Create lessons that introduce students to different art forms and music genres, fostering creativity and appreciation for the arts.
  8. Global Citizenship 🗺️
    • Encourage students to think about their role in the global community, emphasizing themes of empathy, cooperation, and social responsibility.

All contributions are welcome, be it a single activity or an entire lesson. Let’s build a lesson plan bank together that we can all dip into when the occasion arises. You can send your submissions to newsletter.elta@gmail.com. They will appear in ELTA Wednesday Memos during June.

Before you sit down to type out your activity/lesson plans, please check out Submission Guidelines https://elta.org.rs/elta-newsletter, where you will find formatting instructions and requirements for uploading photographs, from size to permission to print.

Hope that you will be creative and productive!

ELTA Editorial Team