“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.”
― Pablo Neruda
What is it that makes us editors happy? To have an issue full of interesting articles, interviews, reports, creative lesson plans. To be able to attend to your needs, our readers’ needs, to have you flip through a newsletter whose content you find motivating. To bring to you the work of a variety of colleagues, from a plethora of countries, from less known authors/colleagues to influencers. This is our goal and from your comments we understand that we have achieved this!
We hope you will also feel like us that this is an issue full o interesting articles and reports! We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the ELTA family who have been reading us, encouraging us to continue, sending us your work or your students’ work. Without you we couldn’t have made it! Do not forget you can send us your submissions any time you want at newsletter.elta@gmail.com.
Stay in touch!
The Editorial Team