
We have organized 22 annual conferences.

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We have organized more than 27 rounds of seminars.

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We have developed webinars about distance learning.

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We have developed more than 21 innovative projects.

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We have conducted free English lessons since 2014.

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We have published 105 publications since 2007.

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Educator testimonials

Anica Đokić
Anica ĐokićNovi Sad

If it wasn’t for ELTA I wouldn’t now be a teacher with around 70 hours of professional development, the 3-week teaching practice in London, loads of new skills gained at the seminars and dozens of new fellow-colleagues from all around Serbia. Mind you, all of that in just 1 year of my membership!

Željko Andrijanić
Željko AndrijanićKraljevo

Professional development, conferences, seminars, new people from different parts of the world are some of advantages that ELTA gave to me personally. Now, we as ELTA, spread the idea of being part of the winning team, team that offers so much with so little effort invested in it.

Marija Kovač
Marija KovačPančevo

So, why am I an ELTA member? For all the same reasons as all these people. And I believe that Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes, fools by their own. And I am far too proud to be a fool. Besides, why waste a lifetime trying to become a better teacher on your own if it is quicker (and not to mention, much more fun) in a group of friends?

Vera Savić
Vera SavićJagodina

I have organised about eight meetings of local EL teachers since December 2005. Where there is a will, there is a way – we can really make our dreams come true! ELTA gathers us together and makes us very powerful for the benefit of all our children. That is the best mission any professional organisation can have.

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Special Offer: Register Three, Pay for Two!

We are delighted to offer a special deal for the 23rd ELTA Serbia International Conference, taking place in Belgrade on 16-17 May 2025!

It always seems impossible until it’s done. – Nelson Mandela

Teaching encompasses all disciplines and skills besides “just” transferring knowledge to predominantly young minds, hopefully eager to learn. Not only does a teacher need to know his or her subject, but needs to be constantly alert to provide support, spur motivation, and skilfully blend technological advances with lesson plans, which, given the fact that students in the classroom may be more proficient technology-wise, makes such attempts equally hazardous as walking in a minefield.

Still, every day across the world, millions of teachers perform magic and make the impossible when they step into their classrooms.

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